убрать перевод строки.


@ 12.1.05, 09:45, Wobla.Ru
получил ответ от разработчика
Phil Ringnalda 2005-01-11 21:10

No, hex 07 is not a dot, it's the unprintable BEL character, which rang the bell
on teletypes back around the dawn of time. The only things below 20 that you can
use with at all predictable results are tab and newlines: anything else, no
matter what it might look like on your system, probably won't look like that on
another system. This bug report on the computer I'm on now shows a dot in both
Firefox and IE, but two others I tried earlier today, both with the same OS and
browser versions, both showed the "undisplayable character" empty box instead.
That's not a usable character, no matter what elements or newlines you put
around it.

@ 12.1.05, 13:34, скив
ну у тебя и развлечения! %-)
ты что, просто сидел и ваял пустые html формы в поисках багов?! ;-)
on the computer I'm on now shows a dot in both
Firefox and IE, but two others I tried earlier today, both with the same OS and
browser versions, both showed the "undisplayable character" empty box instead.
а так бывает? =|

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Вахтенный журнал

12 янв 05, 00:23
Нашел глюк в Firefox'e

следующая страничка работает в IE, а вот Firefox показывает фиг


пробовал разные кодировки, все едино. Точка появляется только если перед
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